
The pcbStandoffs defines the distance between the top of the “base plane” and the bottom of the printed circuit board. Opposite the standoffs are automatically made pushdowns on the lid that are exactly so long that the circuit board is neatly clamped between them.

The pcbStands can be fitted with pins so that the printed circuit board is also fixed on the X and Y axes. How many “pcb standoffs” should come and where they should be is specified in the array pcbStands. The position of each pcbStand and it's dimensions are specified in one line. This is how you use the pcbStands array:

//   *** PCB Supports ***
//   Pin and Socket standoffs 
//  Default origin =  yappCoordPCB : pcb[0,0,0]
//  Parameters:
//   Required:
//    p(0)  = posX
//    p(1)  = posY
//   Optional:
//    p(2)  = Height to bottom of PCB : Default = standoffHeight
//    p(3)  = PCB Gap : Default = -1 : Default for yappCoordPCB=pcbThickness, yappCoordBox=0
//    p(4)  = standoffDiameter    Default = standoffDiameter;
//    p(5)  = standoffPinDiameter Default = standoffPinDiameter;
//    p(6)  = standoffHoleSlack   Default = standoffHoleSlack;
//    p(7)  = filletRadius (0 = auto size)
//    n(a) = { <yappBoth> | yappLidOnly | yappBaseOnly }
//    n(b) = { <yappPin>,  yappHole } // Baseplate support treatment
//    n(c) = { yappAllCorners, <yappBackLeft> | yappFrontLeft | yappFrontRight | yappBackRight }
//    n(d) = { <yappCoordPCB> | yappCoordBox | yappCoordBoxInside }  
//    n(e) = { yappNoFillet }

For every entry in the pcbStands array at least the first two parameters (posX and posY) are required. All the others can be omitted.

pcbStands = 
    [5, 5]  //-- Add one pcbStand 5mm from the [0,0,0] corners of the PCB

If you want to create four pcbStands in all four corners of the PCB you have to add yappAllCorners:

pcbStands = 
    [5, 5, yappAllCorners]  //-- Add pcbStands 5mm for all four corners of the PCB

This entry creates four pcbStands in all four corners of the PCB. Every pcbStand will have the default Optional values standoffHeight, pcbThickness, standoffDiameter, standoffPinDiameter, standoffHoleSlack and automatic calculated fillet and the n-values yappBoth, yappPin, and in the yappCoordPCB coördination system. This results in this:

You can also code this entry as:

pcbStands = 
    [5, 5, standoffHeight, yappDefault
      , standoffDiameter, standoffPinDiameter, standoffHoleSlack
      , 0, yappBoth, yappPin, yappAllCorners, yappCoordPCB]

... or as:

pcbStands = 
    [5, 5,  yappBoth, yappPin, yappFrontLeft]
   ,[5, 5,  yappPin, yappBoth, yappFrontRight]
   ,[5, 5,  yappBoth, yappPin, yappBackLeft]
   ,[5, 5,  yappBackRight, yappPin, yappBoth]

Each line in the array provides one standoff.

[p(2)] Height to bottom of PCB defaults to standoffHeight but can be changed to any number.

[p(3)] PCB Gap defaults to '-1' which makes it dependent of the used coordination system (yappCoordPCB (default) or yappCoordBox) or you can use a number.

[p(4)] standoffDiameter defaults to the global setting standoffDiameter but can be overwritten with any number (within limits).

[p(5)] standoffPinDiameter defaults to the global setting standoffPinDiameter but can be overwritten with an other value.

[p(6)] standoffHoleSlack is the space between the hole and the pin. It defaults to the global setting standoffHoleSlack but can be overwritten with an other value.

[p(7)] filletRadius defaults to '0' which means it will automatically set the fillet depending on the standoffDiameter.

Parameter n(a) can be one of the following (defaults to yappBoth):

 yappBoth:       place a pcbStand both on the Base and on the Lid.
 yappLidOnly:    the pcbStand is only printed above (lidHalf)
 yappBaseOnly:   the pcbStand will only be printed at the base (baseHalf). 

Parameter n(b) can be one of the following (defaults to yappPin):

 yappPin:     the pcbStand is provided with a “pin” 
 yappHole:    the pcbStand is provided with a “hole” 

If the n(a) parameter is yappBoth and the n(b) parameter is specified as yappPin then the pin will be printed on the baseHalf and a hole on the lidHalf.

Parameter n(c) can be one or more of the following

yappAllCorners:   A pcbStand will be created in all four corners of the PCB
yappFrontLeft:    A pcbStand will be created in the front-left corner
yappFrontRight:   A pcbStand will be created in the front-right corner
yappBackLeft:     A pcbStand will be created in the back-left corner (default)
yappBackRight:    A pcbStand will be created in the back-right corner

Parameter n(d) can be one of the following (defaults to yappCoordPCB)

yappCoordPCB:       Coördinate [0,0,0] will be from the PCB (default)
yappCoordBox:       Coördinate [0,0,0] will be from the project box
yappCoordBoxInside: Coördinate [0,0,0] will be from the inside of the project box

With parameter n(e) you can suppress the creation of fillets

yappNoFillet:    no fillets will be created

It is possible to print a hole both on the Base (below) and on the Lid (above) by specifying the n(b) parameter yappHole:

 [3, 12, yappHole]

A fillet is a structure to strengthen the connectors by providing extra mass. Fillets are automatically added unless yappNoFillets is used.

If you want to change the filletRadius (Optional parameter p(7)) then you have to provide al preceding params as well. But if you want to keep the default values for these parameters (in this case p(2, 3, 4, 5, and 6)) you can just enter 'undef' for each of them.

  [5, 5, yappDefault, yappDefault, yappDefault, yappDefault, yappDefault, 5]

This will set the fillerRadius to 5 (diameter to 10).

Last updated