Connecting Base and Lid

Connectors to connect Base and Lid together

With this type of connector you can connect the Base and the Lid together.

//   *** Connectors ***
//   Standoffs with hole through base and socket in lid for screw type connections.
//  Default origin = yappCoordBox: box[0,0,0]
//  Parameters:
//   Required:
//    p(0)  = posX
//    p(1)  = posY
//    p(2)  = pcbStandHeight
//    p(3)  = screwDiameter
//    p(4)  = screwHeadDiameter (don't forget to add extra for the fillet)
//    p(5)  = insertDiameter
//    p(6)  = outsideDiameter
//   Optional:
//    p(7)  = PCB Gap : Default = -1 : Default for yappCoordPCB=pcbThickness, yappCoordBox=0
//    p(8)  = filletRadius : Default = 0/Auto(0 = auto size)
//    n(a) = { <yappAllCorners> | yappFrontLeft | yappFrontRight | yappBackLeft | yappBackRight }
//    n(b) = { <yappCoordBox> | yappCoordPCB | yappCoordBoxInside }
//    n(c) = { yappNoFillet }

For every entry in the connectors array at least the first seven (0..6) parameters are required. All the others can be omitted. Look at YAPPgenerator API to see how to use Optional parameters.


connectors   =  
    [10, 10, standoffHeight
     , 2.7    //-- diameter of the screw (add some slack)
     , 5      //-- the diameter of the screw head
     , 4.1    //-- the diameter of the insert
     , 9]     //-- the outside diameter of the connector

The Optional parameter n(b) specifies whether there will be space for the PCB (yappCoordPCB) between the two parts of the connector or not (default yappCoordBox) as well as the origin of the posX and posY values.


connectors   =  
    [10, 10, standoffHeight
     , 2.7           //-- diameter of the screw (add some slack)
     , 5             //-- the diameter of the screw head
     , 4.1           //-- the diameter of the insert
     , 9             //-- the outside diameter of the connector
     , yappCoordPCB] //-- use [0,0,0] of the PCB os origen

Results in these connectors:

Thanks to Oliver Grafe

The depth of the screw is changed with the standoffHeight so you don't have to buy new screws every time you make a projectbox with a different height.

Melt Inserts

You have to press/melt an insert into the Lid-connector.

Last updated