
There are various ways to debug your projectbox.scad program.

Overview of parameter values

During compilation most settings are listed in the console window.

OpenSCAD 2021.01

Copyright (C) 2009-2021 The OpenSCAD Developers

Compiling design (CSG Tree generation)...
ECHO: "YAPP=========================================="
ECHO: "YAPP:", pcbLength = 150
ECHO: "YAPP:", pcbWidth = 100
ECHO: "YAPP:", pcbThickness = 1.6
ECHO: "YAPP:", paddingFront = 2
ECHO: "YAPP:", paddingBack = 2
ECHO: "YAPP:", paddingRight = 2
ECHO: "YAPP:", paddingLeft = 2
ECHO: "YAPP=========================================="
ECHO: "YAPP:", standoffHeight = 10
ECHO: "YAPP:", standoffPinDiameter = 2.4
ECHO: "YAPP:", standoffDiameter = 7
ECHO: "YAPP=========================================="
ECHO: "YAPP:", buttonWall = 2
ECHO: "YAPP:", buttonPlateThickness = 2.5
ECHO: "YAPP:", buttonSlack = 0.25
ECHO: "YAPP:", buttonCupDepth = 3
ECHO: "YAPP=========================================="
ECHO: "YAPP:", baseWallHeight = 25
ECHO: "YAPP:", lidWallHeight = 23
ECHO: "YAPP:", wallThickness = 2
ECHO: "YAPP:", ridgeHeight = 5
ECHO: "YAPP:", roundRadius = 3
ECHO: "YAPP:", shellLength = 158
ECHO: "YAPP:", shellInsideLength = 154
ECHO: "YAPP:", shellWidth = 108
ECHO: "YAPP:", shellInsideWidth = 104
ECHO: "YAPP:", shellHeight = 51
ECHO: "YAPP=========================================="
ECHO: "YAPP:", pcbX = 4
ECHO: "YAPP:", pcbY = 4
ECHO: "YAPP:", pcbZ = 13.1
ECHO: "YAPP:", pcbZlid = 37.9
ECHO: "YAPP=========================================="
ECHO: "YAPP:", shiftLid = 5
ECHO: "YAPP:", onLidGap = 3
ECHO: "YAPP=========================================="
ECHO: "YAPP:", Version = "v3.0.0 (08-12-2023)"
ECHO: "YAPP:   copyright by Willem Aandewiel"
ECHO: "YAPP=========================================="
ECHO: "YAPP:  Predefined Shapes"
ECHO: "YAPP:   shapeIsoTriangle, shapeHexagon, shape6ptStar"
ECHO: "YAPP:  Predefined Masks"
ECHO: "YAPP:   maskHoneycomb, maskHexCircles, maskCircles, maskBars, maskOffsetBars"
ECHO: "YAPP=========================================="
ECHO: "pcbPushdowns", pcbGap = 1.6
ECHO: ridgeHeight = 5, wallThickness = 2

These variables can be used in the various arrays to make the values comply to changes you made in the setup.

Controlling the Compiled Image

There are various settings that you can tune to change the compiled image so you can get more "insight" in the projectbox the YAPPgenerator is making.

//--     C O N T R O L     --
// -- Render --
renderQuality             = 8;          //-> from 1 to 32, Default = 8

// --Preview --
previewQuality            = 5;          //-> from 1 to 32, Default = 5
showSideBySide            = true;       //-> Default = true
onLidGap                  = 0;          //-- tip don't override to animate the lid opening
colorLid                  = "YellowGreen";   
alphaLid                  = 1;
colorBase                 = "BurlyWood";
alphaBase                 = 1;
hideLidWalls              = false;      //-- Remove the walls from the lid : only if preview and showSideBySide=true 
hideBaseWalls             = false;      //-- Remove the walls from the base : only if preview and showSideBySide=true  
showOrientation           = true;       //-- Show the Front/Back/Left/Right labels : only in preview
showPCB                   = false;      //-- Show the PCB in red : only in preview 
showSwitches              = false;      //-- Show the switches (for pushbuttons) : only in preview 
showButtonsDepressed      = false;      //-- Should the buttons in the Lid On view be in the pressed position
showOriginCoordBox        = false;      //-- Shows red bars representing the origin for yappCoordBox : only in preview 
showOriginCoordBoxInside  = false;      //-- Shows blue bars representing the origin for yappCoordBoxInside : only in preview 
showOriginCoordPCB        = false;      //-- Shows blue bars representing the origin for yappCoordBoxInside : only in preview 
showMarkersPCB            = false;      //-- Shows black bars corners of the PCB : only in preview 
showMarkersCenter         = false;      //-- Shows magenta bars along the centers of all faces  
inspectX                  = 0;          //-> 0=none (>0 from Back)
inspectY                  = 0;          //-> 0=none (>0 from Right)
inspectZ                  = 0;          //-> 0=none (>0 from Bottom)
inspectXfromBack          = true;       //-> View from the inspection cut foreward
inspectYfromLeft          = true;       //-> View from the inspection cut to the right
inspectZfromBottom        = true;       //-> View from the inspection cut up
//--     C O N T R O L     --


When true it the Base and Lid are printed side by side. This is usually the setting to use if you want to compile a STL file for 3D printing.

When false the Base and Lid are printed "on top" of each other.


This value is only used when showSideBySide = false. A value of zero prints the Base and Lid right on to of each other. A value > zero will lift the Lid up from the Base.


This value is only used when showSideBySide = true. A value > zero will place the Lid further away from the Base.


If true the baseWalls are not printed so you can see the inside of the box


If true the lidWalls are not printed so you can see the inside of the box


When true the text Front, Right, Back and Left are printed at the four planes. When creating a STL file the orientation markers are never printed!


For reference and for getting a feel of the projectbox it is, sometimes, handy to show exactly where the PCB will fit into the projectbox. When true a (dummy) PCB is printed. When false no PCB is printed.


To get a better feel where the pcb[0,0,0] point is you can set showMarkersPCB to true. The vertical black markers are on the exact corners of the PCB. The horizontal black markers are drawn at the top of the PCB.


When true it will show a vertical red marker at posX=0 and posY=0


When true it will show a vertical blue marker at posX=0 and posY=0 and two blue markers in the length and width of the project box at posZ=0.


When true, blue center markers are printed just below the projectbox.


With a value greater than zero you get a cross section of the projectbox from the Front towards the Back. A negative value gives a cross section from the Back towards the Front.


With a value greater than zero you get a cross section of the projectbox from the Left towards Right. A negative value gives a cross section from the Right towards Left.


If -1 or 1 shows the inner structure of the light tubes.


If -1 or 1 shows the inner structure of the push buttons.


If true tries to show an impression of the tactile switches.

Last updated