Push Buttons

If you have one or more tactile switches on your PCB you can make a knop guide with witch you can push the tactile switch. You can size the button in any dimension you like and you can control the height of the button above the Lid (all within limits).

The API for push buttons is:

//  *** Push Buttons ***
//  Default origin = yappCoordPCB: PCB[0,0,0]
//  Parameters:
//   Required:
//    p(0) = posx
//    p(1) = posy
//    p(2) = capLength 
//    p(3) = capWidth 
//    p(4) = capRadius 
//    p(5) = capAboveLid
//    p(6) = switchHeight
//    p(7) = switchTravel
//    p(8) = poleDiameter
//   Optional:
//    p(9) = Height to top of PCB : Default = standoffHeight + pcbThickness
//    p(10) = { yappRectangle | yappCircle | yappPolygon | yappRoundedRect 
//                    | yappCircleWithFlats | yappCircleWithKey } : Shape, Default = yappRectangle
//    p(11) = angle : Default = 0
//    p(12) = filletRadius          : Default = 0/Auto 
//    p(13) = buttonWall            : Default = 2.0;
//    p(14) = buttonPlateThickness  : Default= 2.5;
//    p(15) = buttonSlack           : Default= 0.25;
//    p(16) = snapSlack             : Default= 0.10;
//    n(a) = { <yappCoordPCB> | yappCoordBox | yappCoordBoxInside } 
//    n(b) = { <yappGlobalOrigin>,  yappLeftOrigin }
//    n(c) = { yappNoFillet }
//    n(d) = [yappPCBName, "XXX"] : Specify a PCB. Defaults to [yappPCBName, "Main"]

The three buttons in the above images are created with this code:

pushButtons = 
    [84.2, 30.7, 8, 8, 0, 2, 1, 3.5, yappCircle]
   ,[85,   13.5, 8, 5, 3, 2, 1, 3.5, yappRectangle]
   ,[85,    7,   8, 5, 3, 2, 1, 3.5, yappRectangle]         

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