Generating STL file from KiCad

Making a projectbox with all the holes in the right place is quite a challenge.

Luckily for the makers that use KiCad as a PCB making tool there is a rescue!

Tools needed

If not already done you first have to install the latest version of FreeCAD. Then you have to install the KiCadStepUp tool with the Addon Manager.

Creating a STEP file with KiCad

Start the PCB Editor

From the File menu select Export -> STEP

In the popUp [Browse] to the map where you want to save the STEP file and click on [Export].

Start FreeCAD

Click on the select box ..

.. and select the KiCadStepUp tool

Go to File->Open and select the STEP file from the KiCad Export

.. and click on [Open]

After a while you see the result of this import

Now all you have to do is Export this file

Select "STL Mesh" as type ..

.. and click on [Save]

The result is a nice STL file

Use this STL file with the YAPPgenerator

Add the following code to the beginning of your .scad file:

myPcb = "./STL/DSMRloggerESP32_PCB.stl";

if (true)
    rotate([0,0,90]) color("darkgray") import(myPcb);

myPcb has to point to the generated .stl file With translate() and rotate() you can place the .stl file to the exact location of your projectbox. This is a bit fiddling in the beginning but once set it does not change anymore.

Last updated