
This is the API for labels:

  Default origin = yappCoordBox: box[0,0,0]

   p(0) = posx
   p(1) = posy/z
   p(2) = rotation degrees CCW
   p(3) = depth : positive values go into case (Remove) negative values are raised (Add)
   p(4) = { yappLeft, yappRight, yappFront, yappBack, yappLid, yappBase } : plane
   p(5) = "image filename.svg"
   p(6) = Scale : Default = 1 : ratio to scale image by (making it larger or smaller)

Here is the code for the labels in the next images:

imagesPlane =
  [ 10, 10, 180, 0.5, yappLid, "logo.svg", 1.25 ]

Last updated