Position reference

n(e) = { <yappOrigin>, yappCenter }

Object locations can be specified in two ways, either at the origin or centered .

yappOrigin specifies the reference to be the origin of the bounding rectangle.

yappCircle changes the reference to be the center of the object.

// Sample Lid Cutouts
cutoutsLid  = 
    [10, 10, 10, 20, undef, yappRectangle]                              //(A)
   ,[10, 50, 10, 20, undef, yappRectangle, yappCenter]                  //(B)

   ,[30, 10, undef, undef, 5, yappCircle, ]                             //(C)
   ,[30, 50, undef, undef, 5, yappCircle, yappCenter]                   //(D)
   ,[50, 10, 10, 20, 2, yappRoundedRect, ]                              //(E)
   ,[50, 50, 10, 20, 2, yappRoundedRect, yappCenter]                    //(F)
   ,[70, 10, 15, undef, 10, yappCircleWithFlats, ]                      //(G)
   ,[70, 50, 15, undef, 10, yappCircleWithFlats, yappCenter]            //(H)
   ,[90, 10, 5, 2, 8, yappCircleWithKey, ]                              //(I)
   ,[90, 50, 5, 2, 8, yappCircleWithKey, yappCenter]                    //(J)
   ,[110, 10, 20, 20, undef, yappPolygon, shape6ptStar]                 //(K)
   ,[110, 50, 20, 20, undef, yappPolygon, shape6ptStar, yappCenter]     //(L)

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